Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Favorites

Happy 2010!
(even though I am still gonna party like it's 1999!)

Before I dive in to my hopes and dreams for the future, I will catch up on the events of the past couple weeks while at home for the holidays in Michigan.

This year the holidays feel like starting over in terms of traditions. Our family always used to get together with the Scally side of the family at Grandma and Grandpa's. Since Grandpa died last yea we have disbanded to celebrate in our individual families. It is so sad to someone as sentimental as me to see such a cherished tradition die (particularly since it's one of the only times I see the Scally's). However, it is also neat to see my Mom and Dad and sister's start to make our own.

On Christmas Eve this year we played Clue. It was a new version that has yet to win my affection. Each of the girls also picked out a favorite book from childhood to read together. It was the joy of my heart- and (no surprise) my contribution to the Monfette holiday legacy. Then we played Wii. As I recall I won everything. :) hahaha. Leah and I left Santa and Mrs. Claus a note about how good we were this year and some Pepsi and cookies. (That's how to really get on their good side I found out!)

Fast forward to December 31- my birthday! Imagine me and the fam passing around a plate (a silver platter to be more accurate) of cookies. Pretty sure they were gone before that ball dropped in New York. We also enjoyed a couple episodes of Better Off Ted, which is my newest favorite satire. Think Arrested Development and The Office and 30 Rock smashed together. It's so good.

Shortly after midnight Leah went to get something from the freezer only to find it was a little softer than usual. Sure enough the freezer and the fridg were not as cold as they should be. There was alot of food in there for Genna's shower the following day... so at 1am after the fridg has been examined and dusted underneath and poked and prodded, our family loaded up a couple of rubbermaid totes and put them out in the van. :) Glad it was winter. The next morning as Dad was cooking breakfast, he called out for one of us to get some eggs and bacon from the van... as if it was totally normal to keep it there! :) Some may accuse me of making up stories to make my life sound more interesting... but after that happened all I could ask myself was, "Did that really just happen?"

The freezer being defrosted with the camping heater....

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (the last ones before Genna gets married)!

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