Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Home Again, Home Again - Jiggity Jig!

To market, to market
to buy a fat pig
Home again, home again
jiggity jig!

Is there anymore to that rhyme???
Seems like there should be............

Tuesday night I flew home for the Easter week celebrations. I had taken a cab to the airport in Chicago. (I know I could take CTA, but given my track record with them- I was not about to mess with that.) I met the nicest old man though driving the cab. His name was Ricardo. He used to be shy but now he talks too much. He said being a cabbie brought him out of his shell and that if I wanted him to stop talking he would. He had a bunch of stories and reminded me of my grandpa- a Mexican version. He was telling me how he had not gone to school because of family problems but all of his children had gone to school and someday he would finish and get the certificates and be so proud to see his name. We talked about Moody a little and how I had studied there to teach people in other countries about the Bible. He was intrigued by this and we talked about true faith. It was encouraging. On the flight, I sat next to a man who was in his 30's and had not flown much. He was scared and I did all but hold his hand on the landing. Admittedly, it was rougher than normal, but he was holding on to the seat in front of him like it was his job. Poor little fella!

Home was fun and as always- full of delicious food and treats. (Seriously, I am afraid of Darlene and the scale tonight.... dom da dom da--- dom!) I got to see my puppies... I love them. The basement was my Mom's "newest" project. It is a project 20+ years in the making- this may be the time they finish it for real though. ;) We have an organ (don't ask me why) and a pool table in our basement that don't get a whole lot of use so my Mom decided that they were going to the curb. They are super heavy so we left them in a pile at the bottom of the stairs for my Dad and my sister's boyfriend to carry out. Seeing the strain coming up the stairs put on them my Mom came up with an alternate plan for getting the oversize items to the end of the driveway- hook them to a tow rope and drag them down with the mini-van! So that's what we did:

I have not felt like I belonged in the country more than in those moments.

This is our curb:
1 organ
1 pool table
1 toy plastic spring horse
4 cubicle walls and
4 desk chairs later
You will not believe it but someone actually took the horse and pool table.
"You know you're a redneck if........"

In that same vein, we also patronized the local Sam's Club.

This is an amazing place where everything is in bulk.
It's a dream come true for my family. I am joking, but yet I am not.
Here's us with our 2 carts.... that's right 2!

Besides all the "hick"-esque things we did while I was home, it was so great to celebrate Easter with my family. It is my fave holiday! I love that Jesus conquered all that darkness and is alive... I love that He's real and here... right now! There is this Storykeepers movie that has become tradition to watch on Easter (2 of my sisters hate it, but I try to pretend they are just kidding). I have seen it alot of years but it always makes me cry. Ben the Baker is too cool. I love that he sacrifices his chance for escape just so he has the chance to tell this evil Roman soldier the "rest of the story." No matter what my sisters say-- that's the power of the gospel and it thrills me.
Not to mention I think short, pudgy bakers are super cute. :)

We colored eggs together trying a new technique with rubber bands. I saw it on someone's facebook and thought it would be a good idea- I feel like we were missing part of the skill. We were just making a mess! We played Clue and I am proud to say that I beat my Dad. Introduced my sisters to "Girls just want to have fun." They were less amused with it than I anticipated!
SAD! They just could appreciate it's raw comedic form the way Alli and I could I guess. And I bought some new clothes; a shirt with ruffles! A shirt which I had made fun of and swore I would never buy, and yet tomorrow I am debuting it at the Chiropractor's.

On Sunday after church I went to Speedway and purchased the LARGEST Fro-Co they had to offer. For those amateurs, that is Frozen Coke. What a delicious treat! Not having pop was so humbling lent. It would seem a simple task and yet I need the Lord's help- even for this small thing. I cannot even imagine the things that Christ gave up in order to make salvation free to me. Things far better than Fro-co's.

To Michigan, to Michigan
to see the family
To Chicago again, Chicago again
to reckon with Darlene!

1 comment:

  1. I am now back in the loop in your life. I love the storykeepers! You are wearing your ruffle shirt. Hope you like it. And your pictures were great! I always think I have heard the best of the stories and then I find you have posted even more :). Always a good read. Hope you enjoy your ruffles and today's chapel!!

    ok. I gotta go. I am going to be late for volunteering and it is right across the street. That is sad...
