Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Roaster Pan Legacy

Last night at 9:30pm I had this sudden recollection that a whole bunch of people were coming to my house to eat dinner before the Legacy Conference evening session the next day. It's not that I had forgot they were coming- I just overlooked the fact that in order for them to eat something at my house I needed to go shopping and probably it would be a good idea to clean the apt. also. After buying every heavy item the grocery store could sell me- for serious I do not know how I always buy the heaviest items- I waited for the bus. A few minutes later I was flailing my arm in the air, aluminum roaster pan in hand. When I got in the taxi the man said- I have never been hailed by a roaster pan before. :) So glad I could be the first! I got back from Jewel around 10:15 and launched into a frenzy or chopping veggies, melting chocolate for puppy chow, cleaning my bathroom, etc. The puppy chow was a fiasco of epic proportions. I know I abused that word in the last post so you probably don't believe me, but if you never believe another word I say- believe this... fiasco! I had bought the aluminum roaster since I left my puppy chow making bowl with Alli. Surley I thought that would do the trick- it even came with a lid. Having a trial in the pan with a small amount of puppy chow would be far too sensible so I dumped in whole box of cereal- following by the chocolate mixture and then dumped a whole lotta powdered sugar on top. The nano-second I shook that pan, the sides buckled and powdered sugar went EVERYWHERE!hahhahaha. "And the princess learned to laugh at herself.." The largest container I had with a decent lid was a 2 qt. one, which took about 3 loads of the mixture to finish shaking it. Resourceful is my motto. I finished somewhere around 2am. At the risk of sounding so old... It was terrible. I am so tired tonight and thankful that tomorrow I can sleep in until 3pm if I want to. :) mmmmmmmm. so thankful.

A couple of the boys came over tonight right before my church was getting here for dinner so I invited them to stay. It was cool to see them interacting with the teenage boys. The boys thought that the teen guys were so cool and instantly wanted to be a part of what they were doing- playing spades and listening to music. I'll admit I was teary- It is so cool to see these guys from church being men and looking out for this little kids they don't even know. It was a touching moment and I pray that the Lord would raise up men in the lives of these boys. They so desperately need and want the attention and affirmation from a man.

We headed over to the Legacy conference after dinner and it was phenom. A girl did spoken word at the beginning and the questions penetrated to my core- "What more do I need to do to prove my love for you?" And then the beautiful repetition of "I have a word for you.... the Word for you... the LIVING Word for you." Thank You Jesus for being the Living Word! The speaker was good. I was convicted about the way I view Jesus. As Andrew Peterson puts it: with the "fear that His love is no better than mine." How truly sad to see revealed in my mind that I am even suspicious of Jesus. Wow! The lies that I believe truly go deep and I need the Lord to help me un-root this with His truth, His Living Word.

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