Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Been a Minute

So it's been a awhile since I posted on here. Oops! Sorry Mom.

The new developments this month were minimally epic:
1. Joscey and I introduced Aubey and Mariah to Andrew Peterson & the Captain's Courageous. Pretty much our BFF's. hahaha. We're counting on Elmhurst Christian Reformed to bring "Behold The Lamb" back to the Chicagoland area in 2012. Bless them if they do!

2. The Agave plant at the Garfield Park Conservatory is blooming. It may not sound like a big deal; but this plant only blooms ever 50 years. It is pretty awesome- as well as their show room full of blankets of colorful Spring flowers.

3. I am wearing a new scent of deodorant. Shower Clean and I have been together for many years now and I was hesitant to switch, but after visiting 3 Walgreens with no success; I was desperate. Fresh Oxygen and I are getting along really well. What if I go to Walgreens next time and they have both scents? What will I do? Will I go back to the familiar or stick with the exotic?

4. My parents visited and we had a blast. We spent a significant amount of time in Cicero at the Home Depot, Menards and Target. My bedroom has curtains, the armoire has doors and the living room has a rug now! It's pretty fantastic and homey and really generous of my parents to spend their vacation days helping me out. The parents came to Girls Got Game with my on Saturday and it was fun to have my Dad run the games. He is such a ham- the girls loved him. Additionally, I will need a few weeks (at least 1) to recover from the eating frenzy that was this weekend. It was just like being home... in a good way... a really good and delicious way!

5. Bowling is my new favorite pastime. I have to say that I have improved much since the days at Strikers in high school. I bowled above 100 both times which is probably a world record or something for me. (Let's not pretend like I don't know my exact scores: 153 and 139. XXX!) Dad would be incredibly proud of all the "shaking hands" I was doing. 

6. The final touches have been put on the online housing process. And I am so excited for the students to use it in 2 weeks. I told a coworker the other day that I felt like I was birthing this! Blood, sweat and tears have gone into this year long project and I am DELIGHTED to have it accomplished. I am such a nerd that work made my updates. :)

7. I can now say that I have done a Beth Moore Bible study like all the other good Christian women out there. I kinda laughed when I came up with that as a solution, but this workbook is NO JOKE. It is packed with truth that I am so grateful for...still finding places of healing and disbelief the Lord is working on in my heart. Thankful He is doesn't see how long this sanctification process is taking and give up on me. He is wonderfully patient and faithful.

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