Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hairy Scarys

This was in my bed..... it runs fast and it scared the everything out of me. Bleh!

I chased it around my room for about 30 minutes because I HAD to kill it. Maybe that sounds diabolical when it is just a little bug, but there's no way I could sleep if that was on the loose to crawl back into bed with me. It got away for awhile, hiding under my window seat. But I waited for it to come out and when it did, I stomped on it. Then I left the dead one there so all the other bugs would know their fate if they tried to get in bed with me. It hasn't really worked though....a cricket and a spider have both tried to get in my bed... unsuccessfully! What is up with all the recent inscet activity in my bed? It's kind sicking me out.

I found some info online that refers to these guys as "hairy scarys" and claims that they are "harmless, but scary looking."

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