Friday, October 16, 2009

Raindrops on Roses...

Things that make me squirm:
1. A new porn rack in my local 7-11 and a bunch of guys standing around googling at them together. ick!
2. Wet feet.
3. Sharing a pool lane with a male co-worker.
4. My fave team on the Amazing Race got out after they came in first because they lost their passport! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Things that make me laugh:
1. Steve Green.
2. A new breed of missionary representatives that bring up the "right to bear arms" in their sales pitch.

Things that make me smile:
1. My office being pretty close to settled... just waiting for one wall to be painted.
2. the weekend is 6 minutes away!
3. Going to see WHIP IT with Alli-Cat tonight.
4. Brownies with frosting on them.

Things I cannot think of a good category for:
1. My hair looks awesome today!
2. I bought some art for our bathroom yesterday.
3. The candle scent "Dune Grass" is actually quite pleasant.
4. Bought my old boss a singing Happy Bosses Day card.... I think I forgot to even acknowledge the day last year.
5. Someone told me that I looked radiant today and asked if I got married. hahahahaha! Sure wish I knew what I was doing... I would market it for sure. (Guaranteed to make you glow like you just got married!)
6. Drawing a water fountain is HARD! If you come up with any good techniques... let me know!


  1. Reading your posts always make me smile. :) I like the way you write. And your hair. I can hear you talking about it. :)

  2. this is one amazing post!
    i love the comment about you getting married because you looked radiant. don't even get me started on that one... :)
    and yes, your hair did look phenomenal!
    and WHIP IT (with me) did continue to make you smile, and me too! what a great movie! i may have purchased the soundtrack. you know you want to rock out to the Ramones too. I'll get you a copy of it asap!
    boom baby!!

  3. So when they say, "right to bear arms"... does this mean that you get to carry a gun or did they mean "bare arms" as in donning a tank top?

  4. Seriously right? :) Is this Cousin Mark?
