Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Deli

Last night Kira and I went shopping. She's 14 and if I had left the shopping up to her we would have walked out of there with olives, cinnamon toast crunch cereal and cookies 'n' cream milk.

At the deli, I was so impressed with the man helping me because he got my Stella Provolone and Sara Lee Roast Beef to exactly .50 lb. Probably you're nodding your head thinking "that's cool" even though you wouldn't have blogged about it. My reaction was much more animated than that... I held the bags of deli meat and cheese up for Kira to see and announced with a big smile that they were exact. When she didn't show very much excitement, I tried to explain to her how difficult that was to do- to take slices of meat and add them perfectly up to .50 lb. She tried to act excited for my sake (and so we could move on to the cereal aisle), but I knew deep down that she was not. There are some things that are just thrilling to me and delis are one of them... If the large glass counter had not been between us, I would have slapped him on the back with as much enthusiasm as if he just roped a steer.

SIDE NOTE: It just popped in my head what a funny sitcom episode it would be if there was an aspiring deli man who was too short to see over the counter. oh the pain...! :) Although, I guess he could just get a step stool... hm. not as entertaining.

When Kira and I got up to the checkout counter, I noticed that the bag of cheese was missing. It was busy and the cashier had no interest in my story of lost cheese. So we paid and then retraced our steps through the store until we found it. :) That has never happened to me before... losing items from your cart while shopping!

Just now, I ate a delicious roast beef and provolone sandwich on a pretzel roll. Sadly, that means they are no longer exactly .50 lb.

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