Thursday, June 16, 2011

I belong!

We returned from ACSD on Thursday. Even though I tuckered out a bit after a 9 hour car ride, my body in general was more tired of sitting and eating, so I decided to go to step class.

I sweated my pants off and felt so relieved to be in motion! At the end of class we always pray and recite a motto together while holding hands. :) I've kinda always wanted to volunteer to pray but didn't want to be presumptuous since I am the new kid in the group. This time though Sharon looked at me and asked me to pray! Probably I am more mushy about this than most people would be, but it felt like an initiation of sorts- that now I belonged somehow. What a joy that this place and people I love so much showed (in this small way) that they don't think I'm bad either!

Feeling exhilarated, I walked out to the heifer with my swagger tight. I passed a guy in the window of one of the clinic buildings cleaning. Let me re-phrase: I passed a real good looking man in the window of one of the clinic buildings cleaning. He waved at me and I got all excited to wave back...let's be honest, a little too excited! Somehow instead of waving I stabbed myself right below the lip with my super long nails. It was bleeding and I was wrenching in pain... what a hot first impression right?

With head now out of the clouds, I went home to care for my flirting injury, shower and do laundry.


  1. yes! i love flirting injuries! no pain no gain haha

  2. you write the best blog ever. Thank your for your honesty and your humor. Mrs. P
