Thursday, February 5, 2009


The other day I just started writing down random "S" words- mostly becasue I was vainly checking out my handwriting. I had alot of thoughts swirling and this is how it ended up after playing with it a while. It is significant and I get it, but I won't be offended if you don't. :)
It's not meant to be read like traditional poetry- kinda had a jazz beat in my head while I was coming up with it.... so maybe some snapping would bring clarity.... It's worth a try anyway. Would welcome your feedback either way.

Strength and sweetness stolen
sassy silence skillfully strings silvery souvenirs
serenades surrender to savory seclusion
I am skipping, swooning, sulking – shredded
Simply scarred by this skinny certainty
Seriously scared of this shallow security
I am sleepy, sickly, smartly- solid
Softly He seduces my surrender
I am stripped, shaken, silly- stunned
Slyly shattered cisterns spring
Symphonies of significance swell
Sugared sparks and solemn strokes
Supply cement and soon I am

1 comment:

  1. I totally should have gotten the title of "First to Post on Rachel's blog" but I dropped the ball. Oops. Well I enjoyed your second post! Good time of posting too. (it is reflective :)12:21 ). Happy Day. See you later tonight.
