Thursday, October 29, 2009

C'Mon Vogue...

Been feeling like I'm striking alot of poses lately... which is a cutesy way of saying that I feel like a POSER! :) Particularly in regards to my new fixation on exercise.

Tuesday morning, I went to Women's Workout World (I know you're jealous) for a Pi-Yo class with Alli. When I say " morning"- what I really mean to say is the middle of the night... when everyone should be sleeping! Just saying... 5:45am makes for a BRISK walk. (Free info about this morning: I walked because the CTA hates me and figured it would be quicker. Turns out that Monroe is much deeper into the Loop than I thought. hahaha. At every street I approached, I would pray "please let this be Monroe", but apparently God was not into restructuring the city of Chicago so I could be on time to Pi-Yo. apparently.) The class was good. Hopefully everyone was oblivious to the fact that I was nervously dropping things trying to hang up my coat in the locker room, and that I was wearing holey socks, and that I had unshaven legs and that I fell when trying to do a girly push-up.... hopefully because I will be seeing alot more of these women since I walked out a member of Women's Workout World! W3 if you will.

Yesterday I went out for a run feeling gloomy. After 2 blocks, I was ready to turn tail and run right back to my sofa. "C'mon girl! Work it off! Work it off!" was suddenly being shouted down the block at me by a man who was homeless. He was relentlessly encouraging- to the point I waved and thanked him from the corner of the next block. As I approached the entrance to Navy Pier, I was feeling considerably stronger. A group of hoodlums passed me and commented on my thighs jiggling. awesome. thank you. so impressed by your swagger and big talk. blah! And that's why you're hoodlums. Well, they may have thought it was funny, but these thighs jiggled a whole 2.8 miles without stopping! Boom Baby! I ran from Ohio Street to Oak Street beach on the lakefront and got to round that sweet corner I have always wanted to. That felt good- like sweet victory... proving to myself, my homeless cheer team and the hoodlums that I could do more than we all thought at the beginning of that run. However, at the end of this sweet success I smelled terrible... my pony tail was dripping with sweat... and I realized I had worn a very unsafe outfit completely of navy blue(sorry Mom! But I did put my ID in my bra in case I died. haha. for reals.)... Not exactly a cover girl for Runner's World you know?

I'm pretty much an open book with my life... hence the hysteria that is sometimes captured in these posts. There are days though that I feel like I am posing in my whole life. Secretly, (OK, not so secretly) I am a basket case of emotions and yet instead of that I pose as so many other things. Mostly as someone that is OK with seeing her flaws, that is unaffected by the comments of hoodlums, that has so much grace for the parts of herself that remain unraveled, that is not annoyed by the hair on her chin she forgot to pluck all week....

I guess that doesn't make me a poser, just human. I'm not pretending to be those things; I am learning to be those things...with the exception of my chin hair. That has got to go as soon as I get off work! So go ahead and let your body move to the music! It's fun... VOGUE!

1 comment:

  1. Atta girl!
    You're my inspiration! For realsies!!
    We need to get you an iPod so you can dance/run!
