Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blogless August

I have not been blogging lately because frankly my brain feels like it will explode at most points throughout the day and that kind of pressure really crowds out creative ambition.

I've never felt like a grown up as much as the last week at work- staying an extra 6 hours because literally I have to in order to be prepared instead of staying an extra 6 minutes to rewrite a color coded to do list for the next day. :) So thankful that the end of this crazy season is nearing it's end. (I leave that last sentence as further proof of my mental state at present... you know what I was trying to say!)

Kinda pathetic, but these are the highlights as of late:
1. I called someone and said "Residence Life, this is Rachel" as if I was answering the phone.
2. I put down the phone and was sure I had a conversation but had no idea what was said since I was "multi-tasking."
3. I almost got on the Orange line to Midway instead of my train home at the end of the day.
4. I ran a mile unprovoked to zen out.
5. I literally could not remember which set of keys was for home and which was for work.

Although, God is so gracious and provided such reminders of His rest and grace too.
1. Like a ride home, getting lost and laughing about it with my coworker at 10:30 at night.
2. Like reading Anne of Green Gables in it's entirety- some on the front porch, some more on my window seat.
3. Like playing banannagrams.
4. Like eating dinner and cosmic brownies on my window seat with a friend.
5. Like meeting "Jesse" in the park yesterday after running and getting asked for my number & told I "is a real good lookin woman" while sweaty.
These priceless things are truly such gifts from above!

The Mamas and the Papas (not the 70's music group, but the freshman parents with a fragmented reference to a song in the beginning of Fiddler on the Roof) continue to call with crazy pants questions. Sometimes they are such a bright spot in my day- such eagerness. I really do mean it when I say that! I remember that feeling and even now it comes over me sometimes- to think of this place you are being swept up into... this story...these people that God has been using throughout the last 150 years.

You should all buy Andrew Peterson's new CD. It's rockin awesome and I essentially listen to it 4 times a day. :) It is so good- so full of the life of the Gospel. Track 9 is my fave....

There are dishes in the sink that I should do... boo! I hate being a grown up. hahaha. not really, only grown ups can have as big a bed as me! It's huge... and finally the frame is put together!

Take this post for what it's worth and I will try to put something insightful out soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you grown-up good lookin' woman!! ;)
    miss you like crazy!!
    Rosy :)
