Monday, September 28, 2009

You'll Thank Me Later...

The change in weather has prompted me to return to hot Caramel Macchiatos as my drink of choice. Over the summer, I forgot how much I love the foam mixed with the caramel sauce mmmmm....pure love!

My newest ridiculous idea includes helping to start a "makeup abstinence program" to help women clear up their skin. Phase 1: Detox... hahaha. (Confession: This began as a joke, but everytime I tell the story I get a new idea and in my mind it has turned into a full fledged business plan, complete with infomercial worthy testimonials.)

Met another "big brother" at the pool yesterday.... awkward.

It's coming! The Tattoo and body art expo! The world's largest.... classy, Chicago.... classy!

I may have belted out a curious rendition of "I will always love you..." at our GRIP retreat. ;) It felt like summer camp all over again. Embarrassment in front on the group. Check! No, for real though it was totally fun.

Walking past the counselors office yesterday I heard a group of them making jokes about liability insurance.

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